Name of the company
Field of activity
Number of people in the company
Name of the contact
Tel / Mobile
Machine Type
Machine(s) Number
Motorization(s) Electric Brushless Battery Pneumatic Hydraulic
Motor(s) Number
Date of purchase(s)
Date of previous repair(s)
Previous repair(s) provided by
Nature of the repair(s)
Specific remarks related to previous repair(s)
Operating hours
OD Ø from :
ID Ø from :
Range(s) of wall thickness of the tubes:
Types of materials to machine :
Type of components to machine (tube, pipe, fitting, micro fitting, elbow*, flange, valve, heat exchanger, steam generator, other):
Accessories, options used to operate the machine(s) (types of tooling, cutting tools, tool inserts, lubrication systems):
Maintenance frequency
The machine is returning for : a maintenance a repair a diagnostic
Context of the machine's use when the problem/failure was observed :
Rotation speed
Cutting depth
Machine feed
Tools references
For hydraulic motor drives : power pack flow rate
Main tube parameters to be considered when the problem/failure was observed :
Main diameters parameters to consider :
from :
Materials to consider :
* champs obligatoiresConformément aux dispositions de la loi du n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès de rectification et d'opposition sur les données nominatives vous concernant.